We'll Submit Your Solo Ad to
Multiple Traffic Sites With 750,000+ Members...And, You're GUARANTEED 2,500!
We'll keep submitting your ad until your total clicks are well over 2,500!
Usually within 5 to 10 days. You will see from 10-50+ new sign ups to your
program, depending on your sales page and products...with Free offers
working the best at getting your new signups.
We Save You TIME & MONEY....Submitting Your Ads For You!
We Buy Solo Ads & Super Solos In BULK
We'll save you a ton of time and a ton of money by sending your ads out to
Credit Safelists, List-Builders, Super Solo Networks, Text Ad Exchanges, Text Ad
Exchange Submitter Sites, and Viral List Builders. We buy Solos and Super-Solos
in BULK and pass the savings on to you!
We use our co-op advertising funds to buy OTOs, Life-Time Upgrades, Bulk Solos
and Super-Solo Packages, Ad-Packs, the works!
Your ads are actual Solo Ads and Super-Solo Ads. People will actually read your
sales letter, click on the "click here to earn credits" link in your Solo Ad to
open your webpage in their browser. We do NOT eat up your GUARANTEED Clicks by
submitting to Surfing Traffic Exchange sites! Nor do we use "pop-ups/pop-unders"
and call those "visits" like other sites do!
We send your Solo Ads out directly to Credit Safelists, Text Ad Exchanges,
List-Builders, Viral List Builders and Super Solo Networks so people can see
your Solo Ad Subject Line and Ad Body prior to clicking on a link to earn
credits, which opens up your website in their browser.
The resources we use EASILY totals more than 1,500,000 Combined Members!
This video shows you how many clicks you can
expect to receive from your Super Solo Ad. You'll see actual running traffic campaigns...
Click Here To Watch The
Super Solo Ad Compaign
How Many Clicks You'll Get
Comments from our YouTube Video

"Utilizing Solo Ad Co-op has been AMAZING! The quick and simple results
available in this package, your dream to earn BIG is attainable. I accumulated
3,704 Clicks with 33 new referral signups in 48 hours... I highly recommend this
new Advertising Co-op website to ALL Internet Marketers!" - Torie Keys - http://www.silhouettesolos.info
Here's What We've Done For A Few Our Customers So Far This Month:
UserID: gravitas
Subject: About 22 Dollars Every 6 Minutes… That’s Average
Clicks: 3043
Submitted: 2015-12-27 13:02:44
Completed: 2015-12-29 20:01:41
UserID: thebizkidd
Subject: Claim 100 FREE Website Visitors
Clicks: 3223
Submitted: 2015-12-26 15:31:38
Completed: 2015-12-28 21:55:51
UserID: kevinlindgren
Subject: Make Crazy Income in 2015
Clicks: 3809
Submitted: 2015-12-23 21:16:52
Completed: 2015-12-26 15:19:30
UserID: salley
Subject: Complete Marketing System - 18 bucks
Clicks: 3558
Submitted: 2015-12-23 09:03:54
Completed: 2015-12-26 00:34:37
UserID: wealth2
Subject: How to earn
Clicks: 3523
Submitted: 2015-12-22 22:07:42
Completed: 2015-12-25 22:25:24
UserID: biznetwork
Subject: emergency Christmas cash?
Clicks: 4627
Submitted: 2015-12-21 19:32:38
Completed: 2015-12-23 20:49:52
How Long Does It Take To Generate 2,500 Solo Ad Clicks?
Once you submit your ad, you'll be added to our "pending ads" list in the Admin
Area. We will start submitting your ad within 24 to 72 hours. Once we start
submitting your Solo Ad, it can take as little as 5 days or up to 10 days to
generate a minimum of 2,500 clicks.
Here's are the solo ad requirements...Please read before you submit your ad.
1) ONLY 1 Ad at a time: Once your ad has 2,500 clicks, you will be able
to submit your next ad.
2) Please DO NOT submit any ads with "Income Claims" or "$$$s" in the
Subject Line like "Earn $36,076 in the next 30 days!" WE WILL DELETE YOUR AD and
you will have to re-submit (no extra fee will be charged). If your subject line
has "$$$," try using words such as "dollars or bucks."
3) URLs or emails Are NOT Allowed In The Body Of Your Ad: Although less
than 25% of the resources we submit your ads to will allow URLs or Images in the
body of your ad, 75% or more will NOT allow URLs in the body of the ad. There is
a specific "field" where you will be able to enter your Target URL (link to the
website, capture-page, or blog you are advertising)
4) Guaranteed Clicks: If you are using some type of
"Ad-Tracker/Click-Tracker," depending on your site, this may interfere with your
conversions. We're not saying not to use them, just warning you that they may
impede your overal results. We already track your clicks for you, which you can
monitor by clicking on "Ad Coop Submit Your Ads HERE."
5) Pop-Ups/Pop-Unders or exit Pop-Up sites: If you are advertising a site
that does not allow a person to click off that site when they land on it
immediately, and they have to click more than 1 time to exit that site, your ad
will be rejected and returned to your account.
WE ONLY Guarantee Clicks! WE DO NOT Guarantee "Sign-ups, however, we are
seeing customers getting 10-50+ signups, depending on their lead capture page
and product!"
To submit your Super Solo ad, complete the form below...